Saturday, February 17, 2007

Indoor Skydiving

I came to know indoor skydiving through a program on Las Vegas in Travel and Living channel. The timing was perfect as I was going to Las Vegas for the ICCE 2007 conference. Flyaway is the name of the place that was offering this sport and it is situated on the Convention Drive, Las Vegas. It is at a walkable distance from the Convention Centre. On Wednesday, 10th January 2007 is when I went to this place to try my hand at Skydiving. The charges were $70 for the first jump of the day and $35 for successive jumps on the same day. And another $25 to shoot the whole experience. I was in a group of 4. I was probably the second oldest in the group and all of us were rookies. Kim was the instructor on our maiden flight. She took us through the initial procedures and briefing. Then came the scary part of signing the release bond. Just reading it made you want to go not to undertake the activity. It talked about all the possible gruesome things that can happen and that was pretty scary. Luckily I was braver than I thought as I went ahead and signed the document and jumped into my skydiving suit. After that we went out into the hole and our flight began. First we were asked to lie down on the trampauling net and then the fans were switched on. After that we were asked to jump straight into the air column. In all my flight last for about 4 minutes. After that I tipped Kim and left. Half way through I turned back as I wanted to do it again. This time I wanted my experience to be shot. You can see it here Josh was my instructor and he asked me for my flight number referring to the number of times I had done skydiving. I didnt get it immediately but later I got the hang of it. So if you are near Las Vegas, then dont forget to get your share of adrelein rush by trying out indoor skydiving.

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